Bandito Folk
Recorded by Josh Watson.
Mixed by Josh Watson.
Recorded at The Underdog, Brisbane on 20th of November, 2014.
Bandito folk have been kicking around Brisbane for a few years now, the guys are all former students at QUT – where they all met – and have clearly formed a tight bond playing music all day every day. Josh Tuck is the main songwriter of the group, his songs take on a unique blend of melancholic pop and alt country. In a market saturated by groups that ride the line between more mainstream rock and indie-folk arrangement it certainly helps that Josh has a strong voice and he’s backed by group of musicians that really know their stuff. Technically speaking, they have a lot to offer. Of course technicality isn’t everything and the songs that Josh has been writing over the past few years really reflect on not only his own experiences but experiences, thoughts and anxieties that we all share. For those reasons it’s really not that surprising th at they’ve ended up on legendary Brisbane label Valve.
Airing details: Originally via Zed Digital, 8-9pm, Friday 6 February 2015.
Show production and engineering: Branko Cosic.