Episode 16: Live Delay MIXTAPE!


Hey! It’s Live Delay MIXTAPE time! And you don’t know what that means, then prick up your ears – because it’s super exciting.

Usually on Live Delay, we highlight two – maybe three – artists each episode, but this next episode we feature the work of five unique artists from different parts of Australia.

This week we can roughly categorise this shows artists in the vein of folk/alt rock – a bit of a change of a pace from the usual Live Delay playlist. The artists that feature in this episode playlist include:

Many thanks to John Robinson, Matt Dever and BEAU FM for providing the music to Live Delay for this episode.

Airing details: First aired via Zed Digital, 8-9pm, Friday 3 May 2013.
Production and engineering: Darragh Murray.
Kudos: BEAU FM, John Robinson, Matt Dever.

Post image: Cassette Tape by Kitakitts. Used under Creative Commons License 2.0 (CC BY-NC 2.0)